Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

Don't Suffer from TMJ Pain Any Longer

TMJ Treatment

Anyone who has ever suffered from TMJ or TMD knows just how painful it can be. But what exactly is the difference between TMJ and TMD, and why does it cause pain? 

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. This joint is unique because it allows the jaw to move in multiple directions, allowing us to speak, chew, and yawn. TMJ pain occurs when this joint becomes inflamed or damaged. 

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) refers to the various conditions and issues that can affext the functionality of the TMJ disorder.

There are a number of reasons why this may happen, including arthritis, teeth grinding, and trauma to the head or neck. In most cases, TMJ pain can be treated with simple self-care measures such as ice packs and over-the-counter pain relievers. However, in some cases, more aggressive treatment may be necessary. 

If you are experiencing persistent TMJ pain, it is important to see a doctor or dentist so that they can determine the cause and develop a treatment plan.

Symptoms include:

jaw pain, joint sounds (clicking, popping), impaired jaw movement, muscle, and joint tenderness, headaches, tinnitus, cervical spine disorders, depression, poor sleep quality, and fatigue

If you're one of the many people who suffer from TMJ pain, you know how debilitating it can be. The good news is that there is relief available. 

At in2uitive touch & wellness, we offer a variety of treatments that can help to ease your TMJ pain. We start with a thorough evaluation to determine the root cause of your pain. From there, we develop a customized treatment plan that may includes massage, acupuncture, and/or chiropractic adjustments. 

Our goal is to help you find the relief you need so you can live your life to the fullest. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve TMJ pain relief!

The TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, is a small hinge that connects your jawbone to your skull. This joint allows you to open and close your mouth and move your jaw from side to side. Unfortunately, the TMJ is also prone to a number of problems, including pain, popping, and clicking. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you may be wondering if it's time to seek out TMJ treatment. However, before you do so, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

First, it's important to get an accurate diagnosis. Many of the symptoms of TMJ disorder are similar to those of other conditions, such as tooth pain or ear infections. As a result, it's important to see a qualified dentist who can rule out other causes. 

Second, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for TMJ disorder. The best course of treatment will vary depending on the individual's symptoms and underlying causes. 

Finally, self-care measures such as relaxation techniques and over-the-counter pain relievers can often help to relieve TMJ symptoms. If these measures don't provide relief, then seeking out professional treatment may be the best option.

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Benefits of Massage for TMJ Disorder

Prevents Headaches

Jaw clenching can be brutal. A TMJ massage that properly works the masseter muscle and temporal muscle relieves jaw tension and makes future headaches less likely.

Treats Tinnitus

Prolonged TMJ tension can cause dizziness and ringing in the ears, known as “tinnitus.” Once those muscles and ligaments are more pliable, they’re less likely to cause that awful ringing in your ears.

Eases Toothaches

Clenching your teeth together tightly will likely cause them to hurt over time. However, trigger points in the masseter muscle are actually known to exacerbate toothaches, causing sharp pain in the lower molars. Clients can experience some relief only after they’ve had a TMJ massage.

Reduces Stress

TMJ pain is not the result of a chronic condition, but just plain, old stress. A massage around your jaw and head works wonders for letting go of pent-up stress and anxiety.

In2uitive Touch & Wellness is pleased to accept referrals from dentist offices for TMJ pain relief treatments. 

Our team of highly skilled and experienced clinicians will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and goals. We offer a variety of services that can help to relieve TMJ pain, including manual therapy, myofascial release, and Trigger point Dry Needling. 

We also offer education and guidance on self-care practices that can help to reduce pain and inflammation. If you are seeking relief from TMJ pain, we encourage you to reach out to us for more information on how we can help.

  • Head Off Other Chronic Pain Conditions

    Chronic pain is a common problem that can have a profound impact on your quality of life. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help you manage your pain and improve your overall wellbeing. One such treatment is tmj massage. While it is often used to relieve pain associated with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), research has shown that it can also be effective in treating other types of chronic pain, such as migraines, neck pain, and lower back pain. Tmj massage is believed to be so effective because it helps to release muscle tension and trigger points, which can contribute to chronic pain.

  • Your Teeth and Restorations

    One of the most important benefits of TMJ massage is that it helps to protect your teeth and restorations. When you massage your jaw, you increase blood flow to the area, which helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Additionally, massage can help to break up scar tissue and release trigger points that can lead to pain and dysfunction. As a result, massage therapy is an essential part of any TMJ treatment plan.

  • Better Sleep

    When we sleep, our bodies go into repair mode. All the systems in our body that have been working hard throughout the day get a chance to rest and heal. This is why it's so important to get a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, many of us don't get enough sleep because we suffer from pain or other discomforts that prevent us from falling asleep or staying asleep. One condition that can cause this type of discomfort is TMJ. Massaging the TMJ can help to relieve the pain and allow you to get the rest you need.


Get Relief from TMJ Symptoms

Before you receive a TMJ massage, there are a few things you should do to prepare. 

First, find a comfortable position on your back with your head supported. You may want to use a pillow or rolled-up towel to help support your neck. 

Next, take a few deep breaths and try to relax your jaw muscles. It may help to imagine your jaw muscles melting like butter. 

Once you're feeling relaxed, give your massage therapist permission to begin the treatment. 

During the massage, it's important to breathe deeply and focus on relaxing your jaw. If you start to feel uncomfortable at any point, be sure to let your therapist know. With a little preparation and effort, you can ensure that you get the most out of your TMJ massage treatment.

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What Will Happen

When you receive TMJ massage treatment, your therapist will work on the muscles and tissues around your jaw to release tension and improve range of motion. They may also use gentle stretching and pressure point release techniques. 

You may feel some soreness after your treatment, but this is normal and should dissipate within a day or two. many people notice an immediate improvement in their symptoms after treatment, but for best results, it is typically recommended to receive a series of treatments. 

With each successive treatment, you should notice even more relief from jaw pain, stiffness, and headaches. 

If you are looking for long-term relief from TMJ dysfunction, regular massage treatments may be an excellent solution.

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Relief from Pain and Clicking at In2itive Touch & Wellness

Are you among the many people who suffer from pain and clicking in your jaw? If so, you may be dealing with a condition known as TMJ. While there is no cure for TMJ, massage therapy can provide significant relief. 

At In2itive Touch & Wellness, we specialize in TMJ massage treatment. Our therapists use a variety of techniques to release the tension in the muscles around the jaw, neck, and shoulders. In addition, we often focus on specific trigger points that are known to contribute to TMJ pain. As a result, our patients often experience a marked reduction in their symptoms after just a few sessions. 

If you're tired of living with TMJ pain, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We'll work with you to create a customized treatment plan that can provide lasting relief.

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